Asset ID: 3825 CMS Object ID: 72041 Accession Number: WA1846.210 Title: Recto: Two nude Studies WA_1846_210-b" Object Name: WA_1846_210-b.tif Obverse design (coins): S:\upload\tranche1\Optimised_Masters\Collections\Single_Objects\WA\WA_1846\WA_1846_0000\WA_1846_210-b.tif Denomination (coins): 72041 Associated person(s) + dates: WA1846.210 Object dating: Recto: Two nude Studies WA_1846_210-c" Nationality: WA_1846_210-c.tif Associated place(s): S:\upload\tranche1\Optimised_Masters\Collections\Single_Objects\WA\WA_1846\WA_1846_0000\WA_1846_210-c.tif Dimensions: 1 Materials/ techniques: 72041 Responsible department: Recto: Two nude Studies WA_1846_210-d" Single/ multiple object: S:\upload\tranche1\Optimised_Masters\Collections\Single_Objects\WA\WA_1846\WA_1846_0000\WA_1846_210-f.tif Asset copyright notice: © Ashmolean Museum View: WA_1850_25-a.tif Key words:

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